Secret Wars 2099 #1 

Secret Wars 2099 #1 

Written by: Peter David 

Art by: Will Sliney 

Cover by: Dave Rapoza 

Released: May 27, 2015 

The same creative team bringing SPIDER-MAN 2099 out every month now tackles the much larger, yet somehow smaller, Battleworld sector that seems stuck in the future. Right off the bat Peter David does a fantastic job of establishing that, while this is the ultra-neon world of 2099 ripped straight from comics of the 90s, there’s been plenty of progress made in terms of characters and storytelling. David introduces the team rapid-fire, giving at least a decent idea of who everyone is and what their role is, as well as showcasing their unique personalities and powers, but Hercules and Captain America get most of the focus of this issue with Black Widow clocking in at a close second, and right off the bat, David masterfully sets up conflicts both internally and externally involving all of them. This is a far, far more character driven book than might have been expected, and that’s a very good thing as it’s easily one of Peter David’s strongest suits.

Will Sliney provides the linework, making Nueva York look as sleek and shiny as ever with some very subtle, very thin actual lines. But making the character outlines thin helps reinforce the notion that everything in this land is slick and fluid, a city that never stands still for a second and a future that never closes its eyes. The colors, from the duo of Antonio Fabela and Andres Mossa help with that feeling immensely, making everything neon and bright, while not overwhelming the sense too much or ever having it be too chaotic and discordant. In all I would rate this issue a 7/10 that’s all for this issue and as always keep on marveling. 

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Hulk #4

Hulk #4

Written by: Mark Waid 

Art by: Mark Bagley 

Cover by: Mark Bagley 

Released: June 11, 2014 

It’s clear Hulk is outclassed by this new version of his longtime foe, the Abomination, but when his friends are in danger, you can bet the titan will rise to the occasion to take on any obstacle. Mark Waid hit us with an exciting cliffhanger in the last issue and I’m happy to report it’s given a fairly awesome follow-up. Mark Bagley(pencils), Andrew Hennessy (inks), and Jason Keith (colors) create a splash page that’s sure to make most Hulk fans cheer — I know I sure did. It’s a great compliment to the last issue’s final page, and the rest of the madness and destruction is where this visual team really shines. They do a proper job letting us know how vicious and chaotic a fight between these characters should be.

 The panels are never laid out in a creative way, but the fight never feels static and flows well from hit to hit. It’s impactful and downright brutal in a few moments. Truthfully, there’s some panels which feel a little rushed compared to the rest (mostly when there’s several characters involved in a mid-shot), but the visuals are consistent for the most part and I’m an especially big fan of how the hero in San Francisco is brought to life. In all I would rate this issue an 8/10 that’s all for this issue and as always keep on marveling. 

Check out my YouTube channel. I make videos every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and sometimes Monday’s. My videos are related to comic books marvel and DC so feel free to check it out

Planet Hulk #1 (Secret Wars) 

Planet Hulk #1 (Secret Wars)

Written by: Sam Humphries 

Art by: Marc Laming 

Cover by: Mike Dep Mundo 

Released: May 20, 2015 

This first issue was a really cool tie-in for secret wars. In the bigining we see Captain America trying to find out where Bucky Barnes is. Later on the sherif of Battleworld (Docter Strange) tells him that Bucky is beig held captive by the Red King which is where the hulks are. Cap and Devil Dinosaur must kill the Red King and save Bucky.

I’m really excited to see where this story is going to go. As we know this is a three part event so far it’s good and let’s keep hoping it does well. The artwork Laming does in this issue is amazing. Everything looks nice! In all I would rate this issue an 8/10 that’s all for this issue and as always keep on marveling. 

Check out my YouTube channel. I make videos every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and sometimes Monday’s. My videos are related to comic books marvel and DC so feel free to check it out

Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #8

Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #8

Written by: Al Ewing 

Art by: Luke Ross

Cover by: Luke Ross 

Released: May 13, 2015 

Writer Al Ewing had a tough job to pull off here in this issue. He had to have the events leading to the final incursion explained to the Mighty Avengers characters without being derivative to readers, had to tie the issue in with the team’s appearance in the Time Runs Out story, and had to capture the feelings of individual characters as they learned that the Illuminati left them out of their grand plans.

For the most part Ewing succeeds in tying together these elements to create a worthy tie-in issue. I say for the most part, because it’s hard at this point to hear Steve Rogers give the Mighty Avengers lineup a rundown of what had been happening in New Avengers over the past few years without it sounding like a retread. It’s hard to imagine that readers of this title aren’t at least aware of the incursions and how the Iluminati attempted to stop them. If for some reason it’s all new to you, Ewing does a great job distilling the facts down into digestible chunks. For those readers that have been reading Hickman’s work one of the best parts of this issue will be the reactions of the Mighty Avengers. These reactions are all over the emotional spectrum (pun intended), and in including these characters this issue retroactively helps give more weight to the Time Runs Out story that ran in Hickman’s Avengers titles for the eight months prior to Secret Wars.

Check out my YouTube channel. I make videos every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and sometimes Monday’s. My videos are related to comic books marvel and DC so feel free to check it out

Hulk #3

Hulk #3

Written by: Mark Waid 

Art by: Mark Bagley 

Cover by: Jerome Opena, Dean White 

Released: May 21, 2014 

After receiving a gunshot to the head, Bruce Banner received horrific brain damage and was relocated to a S.H.E.I.L.D. controlled small town in hopes he can recover. Maria Hill herself is trying to protect Banner, and is doing quite a terrible job at it considering how often he still Hulks-out. A mysterious enemy is targeting Banner and has sent a zombiefied Abomination to destroy him, and the town as collateral damage. Realizing her plan to keep Banner safe and hidden has failed miserably, Hill calls in the reinforcements. Soon Captain America, Iron Man, and Captain Marvel swoop in to save the day, but there are some surprises in store for the Avengers and their big green friend.

Mark Waid is an old pro at combining bombastic action with fulfilling character moments, so it should come as no surprise that this issue is filled with both. Waid’s decision to rob Banner of his intellect has opened up new character possibilities and fleshed out his supporting cast. The presence of Hill and a trio of Avengers feels completely organic and not shoehorned in for attention. Waid had been working to ingrate Banner into S.H.E.I.L.D. as an ally (he can only wander sadly for so long. after all) and this inversion of the classic dynamic makes the Hulk into someone his fellow heroes care for instead of fearing. In all I would rate this issue a 8.2/10 that’s all for this issue and as always keep on marveling. 

Check out my YouTube channel. I make videos every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and sometimes Monday’s. My videos are related to comic books marvel and DC so feel free to check it out

New Avengers Ultron Forever #1

New Avengers Ultron Forever #1

Written by: Al Ewing 

Art by: Alan Davis

Cover by: Alan Davis 

Released: April 29, 2015

Doom has assembled the strongest Avengers from different moments in time to fight Ultron, but he also has his own team of Avengers, complicating their task. The team from the past consists of The Hulk (yes!), Thor (ultra yes!) and Iron Man (Rhodey, not Tony). The team from the present includes Black Widow and The Vision, and finally we have the team from the future, Thor and Captain America (Danielle Cage).

The mixture of past, present and future works very well, although sometimes it may be a little hard to follow. I especially enjoyed the inclusion of Doom and seeing his reactions to the events, (and that ending, wow.) Ultron is a very interesting character and I love reading more about him, especially seeing how he’s represented in this series. He seems quite different to the new Avengers film (which you need to go see if you haven’t yet) and the contrast is quite intriguing. I love the combination of his power and uncaring personality, and even though he’s not the most likeable character, it just makes the story better as you want to see if he will be defeated by the Avengers. In all I would rate this issue a 8/10 that’s all for this issue and as always keep on marveling. 

Check out my YouTube channel. I make videos every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and sometimes Monday’s. My videos are related to comic books marvel and DC so feel free to check it out

Infinity Gauntlet #3

Infinity Gauntlet #3 

Written by: Jim Starlin 

Art by: George Perez 

Released: september 10, 1991 

 Preparation for war. The Earths mightiest heroes assemble to take on the mad God thanos. Can Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, and the others defeat someone who controls reality itself? This issue was pretty good. In all I would rate it a 7.5/10 that’s all for this issue and as always keep on marveling. 

Check out my YouTube channel. I make videos every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and sometimes Monday’s. My videos are related to comic books marvel and DC so feel free to check it out

Infinity Gauntlet #2

Infinity Gauntlet #2

Written by: Jim Starllin

Art by: George Perez

Released: August 10, 1991

This issue goes from bad to worse Thanos has killed half the universe with just a simple thought and yes including half of the heroes as well. As the remaining heroes deal with the chaos that has ensued, will the return of Adam Warlock be the universes only hope of deafting the mad Titan known as Thanos? 

This issue was pretty good. In all I would rate this issue a 7.5/10 that’s all for this issue and as always keep on

Check out my YouTube channel. I make videos every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and sometimes Monday’s. My videos are related to comic books marvel and DC so feel free to check it out

Infinity Gauntlet #4

Infinity Guantlet #4

Written by: Jim Starlin 

Art by: Ron Lin, George Perez 

Released: October 10, 1991

Earth’s heroes have descended upon Thanos is a attempt to defeat his maniacal plots. They are simply no match for Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet. Mephisto points out that Adam Warlock and Silver Surfer are not engaging in the battle.

Thanos realizes, with the manipulation of Mephisto, that he cannot impress Death with the full abilities of the gauntlet. He must show courage in the face of his enemies. He turns off all the gems power except the Power Gem to even the playing field. He still has limitless power just no cosmic awareness.

Even in the limited state he has placed himself in Earth’s heroes are no match for him but have a better chance. The might of Hulk and Drax are still not enough. Under Captain America’s leadership they seem to have some hope.

The Surfer is growing impatient. Warlock has not yet revealed his plans for the Surfer, so that Thanos cannot steal those plans from his mind.

Check out my YouTube channel. I make videos every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and sometimes Monday’s. My videos are related to comic books marvel and DC so feel free to check it out

Infinity Guantlet #1

Infinity Guantlet #1

Written by: Jum Starlin 

Art by: Georfe Perez 

Released: July 10, 1991

the first issue succeeds as the bare bones of the original “Infinity Gauntlet” plot are there: Thanos has the Gauntlet, half the population of Earth has disappeared, and the remaining superheroes need to figure out what happened and find a way to bring everyone back. The cast is streamlined down with the more iconic and well-known heroes taking center stage, while key figures in the original story like Adam Warlock, Mephisto, Dr. Strange, and the Silver Surfer are absent.

 Even the heroes that remain are a different cast with memorable “Gauntlet” heroes like Captain America and Thor absent (so, no recreation of Cap standing up to Thanos, I suppose, but that’s probably for the best). In all I would rate this issue a 8/10 that’s all for this issue and as always keep your n marveling. 

Check out my YouTube channel. I make videos every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and sometimes Monday’s. My videos are related to comic books marvel and DC so feel free to check it out