Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men: The Black Vortex Omega 

Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men: The Black Vortex Omega 

Written by: Sam Humphries 

Art by: Ed McGuinness

Cover by: Ed McGuinness

Released: April 22, 2015 

Is Sam Humphries trying to swoon us all with this book? In short, yes. Marvel’s events have this tendency to completely fizzle out about halfway through. However, Black Vortex is the first time in a long time that really captures the reader’s attention from start to finish. Sure, it’s 13 chapters spread across numerous books, and that’s a tad annoying, but the story delivers. So how does Black Vortex stay so awesome?

Two people make this finale the best thing in comics: Kitty Pryde and Peter Quill. Kitty’s narration drives the story and by the end of this book, this event really feels like her story, which is kind of a pretty cool twist that happens in this story. So what’s the big deal? Why am I swooning over these two characters? Spoilers ahead: They’re getting married.It’s the feel-good moment of the year in comics.

So, my biggest complaint about events is that, for the most part, everything goes back to normal as soon as everything is wrapped up. That is not the case here. Everyone has the opportunity to renounce their Black Vortex powers and a few people actually keep them. I’m not spoiling anything when it comes to this, but it makes sense who keeps their cosmic powers and I’m really glad to see this move forward into the future… as long as SECRET WARS doesn’t undo anything. However, considering some of the books already announced, it looks like this event is here to stay. So in all I would rate this series a 7.5/10 that’s all for today and as always keep on marveling. 

Check out my YouTube channel. I make videos every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and sometimes Monday’s. My videos are related to comic books marvel and DC so feel free to check it out

Legendary Star-Lord #11

Legendary Star-Lord #11

Written by: Sam Humphries 

Art by: Paco Medina 

Cover by: Paco Medina 

Released: April 15, 2015

Writer Sam Humphries has a real knack for not only giving each character a very particular voice. Both Kitty and Peter really have distinctive voices and more than that, they’re entertaining characters to read. I caught myself having a giggle or two when Kitty says “space is not my jam” or when Peter sees his reflection in the Black Vortex.

Kitty’s dialogue is what really drives the story and that’s set up from the first page of the issue. Yes, there’s a lot of narration in this issue but it gives us a glimpse into Kitty’s mind, right up until the final moments of this issue.

Can we just rename this book KITTY & STAR-LORD already? That’s the best part about this issue and series, since Kitty came in. We get to watch their relationship blossom and there’s some great moments here, because of Kitty’s narration, where we find out how she feels about Peter’s actions during pivotal moments.

The artwork done by Medina is amazing. Everytime a read a Star-Lord issue I am just amazed at the artwork. In all I would rate this issue a 8/10 that’s all for this issue and as always keep on marveling 

Check out my YouTube channel. I make videos every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and sometimes Monday’s. My videos are related to comic books marvel and DC so feel free to check it out

Black Vortex: Legendary Star-Lord #10

Legendary Star-Lord #10

Written by: Sam Humphries 

Art by: Paco Medina 

Cover by: Paco Medina 

Released: March 25, 2015

In this issue we see J’son destroy yet another planet. He destroyed Spartax and freezes up everyone. The Guardians and the X-Men are trying to find out what happend when they arrive at Spartax. When they arrive they get attacked by the sluaghter squad this issue was alright there was a lot of chatting though. The artwork by Paco is really good in all I would rate this issue a 7./10 that’s all for this issue and as ways keep marveling! 

Black Vortex: Nova #28

Nova #28

Written by: Gerry Duggan 

Art by: David Baldeon 

Cover by: Orphans Cheeps

Released: March 25, 2015 

In this issue we got Nova trying to hide the Black Vortex from the villains. He goes home only to run away form the Collecter. He then goes to Spartax to get help from the Guardians and the X-men but instead he is greeted by J’son and Thane. He tries to fight Thanos but fails and Thane submits to the Black Vortex. 

This issue was good in my opinion. It had humor and it was thrilling. I liked this issue because Sam is a fun and intresting character. The artwork done by Baldeon is amazing and just great. In all I would rate this books a 8/10 that’s all for this issue and a always keep on marveling!

Black Vortex: Guardians of the Galaxy #25

Guardians of the Galaxy #25

Written by: Brian Michael Bendis 

Art by: Valerio Schiti

Cover by: Valerio Schiti 

Released: March 25, 2015

This issue was very strong. This issue starts of with the Guardians and the X-Men arguing about who gets the black vortex with the Kree empire. The Guardians and the X-Men make a plan to steal the vortex and run away and this is where things get good. While they are shooting everyone Nova takes the Black Vortex but one of the Slaughter squad is chasing him. The Guardians escape the Kree empire only to see it get completely destroyed but no one knows who or what did it. 

This issue is very good. The artwork is very fluid and nice, it engages the readers to read more. This issue is probably better than the previous issues. With that being said I would rate this issue a 8/10 that’s all for today and as always keep on marveling!

All New X-Men #39 (Black Vortex Tie-In)

All New X-Men #39 (Black Vortex Tie-In)

Written by: Brian Michael Bendis

Art by: Mahmud Asrar 

Cover by: Alexander Lozano 

Released: March 18, 2015

The issue does take the time to look at the relationships between characters while this issue feels almost like it’s waiting for other things to happen. This issue is mostly about the heroes planing a way to defeat Mr.knife and his Crew. The good thing about this book was that in a way it was interisting and not boring. The bad was that it was good but not great. All though the X-Men didn’t really fight, it was still a good issue, I would say that Black Vortex is doing a good job, it’s pretty decent. I would rate this book a 7.2/10 that’s all for this issue and as always keep on marveling!

Guardians Team-Up #3 (Black Vortex Tie-In

Guardians Team-Up #3 (Black Vortex Tie -In) 

Written by: Sam Humphries 

Art by: Mike Mayhew 

Cover by: Mike Mayhew 

Released: March 18, 2015

The Black Vortex continues to ravage the Galaxy. The Black Vortex strikes the heart of the Kree empire and Ronan must unite with the Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men to fight of the Gamora and her team. Ronen is being defeated so he takes matter into his own hands and submits to the Black Vortex, he uses his new powers to fight of the foes and ends in a victory. 

This issue was pretty good but what I didn’t like was that everything happens just to fast. I think this battle should of been a 2 part fight otherwise the issue was great. I liked the way Ronan looked when he submitted to the Black Vortex, he looks pretty spectacular. I would rate this book a 7.8/10 that’s all for this issue and as always keep on marveling!

Legendary Star-Lord #5

first off if you want to read Black Vortex I recommend you read Legendary Star-Lord 1-8 first it will make a lot more since. So what do we have here? In this issue we see Peter trying to find out what Mr. Knifes next target is. Peter is talking to a Kymellian. The Kymellian is telling petter how the Sloughter Squad is working for Mr.Knife and how they stole the Black Vortex. While he is telling that to peter, peter finds out that the Kymellian is a shape shifter and is actually Raksor a member of the Sloughter Squad  but he doesn’t do anything. When hes done telling the story peter says that he is going to find out what Mr. Knifes next target is. At this point Raksor turns into his original form and tells peter that he is the next target but peter is not alone he has his buddy Drax to help him out. The artwork was good and the story was easy to understand I would rate this issue a 7.5/10 that’s all for today and as always keep on marveling.

Black Vortex: All New X-Men #38

this book wasn’t so intresting as the previous one but it was still fun to read. It had great artwork done by Andrea Sorrentino and it was also easy to understand what was going on. Not too many things happend in this book. After Gamora and her team flew off with the Vortex they where talking about what there next plans where. While they where talking Ronan the Accuser came and took the vortex from Gamora and Flew off. Peter and his friends are still at the moon, they are trying to escape from there without being seen by the enemies they manage to do that. After this they discuss what they are going to do next and out of nowhere comes Cyclopes telling them that his going to help them and that’s how the book ends. I would rate this book a 6.5/10 that’s all for today and keep on marveling.

Black Vortex: legendary Star-Lord #9

I would have to stay that this issue is by far the best one out of the all 3 issues it certainly raises the bars. As we know Gamora and beast are infected by the vortex and they get one more Allie. Warren, Gamora, and beast are fighting against everyone else who is trying to take way the Vortex from them. There are some great moments in this book for example when Storm and Gamora are fighting the art work is amazing! Knife is also trying to find the vortex he comes at the end of the book right after Gamora And her team fly away with the Vortex. I’m actually glad that the book didn’t focus to much on petter and kitty’s relationship. I don’t know but for me it gets a little annoying but other than that I thought the book was good I would rate it an 8/10 that’s all for today and as always keep on marveling.