Age of Ultron #8

Age of Ultron #8

Written by: Brian Michael Bendis 

Art by: Brandon Peterson 

Released: May 15, 2013 

This issue focuses more on the Defenders trying to find out why Wolverine and Sue Killed Hank Pym. It also focuses on the new marvel Universe. I have to say the series was going good Untell the series focused too much on the alternative universe. This issue was not as exciting as the previous ones. I would rate this a 6.8/10 that’s all for this issue and as always keep on marveling!

Age of Ultron #7

Age of Ultron #7

Written by: Brian Michael Bendis 

Art by: Carlos Pacheco, Brandon Peterson 

Released: May 1, 2013 

The only way they can defeat Ultron is to never make him so Wolverine and Sue go back in time and kill Hank Pym. They time travel back to the present only to find an alternative universe but is it better or worse than the one before? In this issue we see another virsion of the defenders and how the universe would be without Hank Pym I would say it’s kinda wierd to name a series Age of Ultron only to not have him in the series but we will see what happens 

The visuals are still solid, at least. This issue continues the approach of Carlos Pacheco rendering the Bronze Age-era past setting, while Brandon Peterson now handles the alternate present. Peterson’s work still suffers from the occasional bogus facial work, but otherwise his style suits the slightly sinister and tech-infused setting. Pacheco’s pages are top-notch, particularly thanks to the intentionally muted colors, and it’s a shame he only handles a handful of pages this week.

Age of Ultron #6

Age of Ultron #6

Written by: Brian Michael Bendis 

Art by: Carlos Pacheco, Brandon Peterson

Released: April 17, 2013

Captain America and the heroes take the fight to Ultron? Was this a good choice? They are nearly broken but that won’t stop them. Meanwhile Wolverine goes to the past and Sue Storm tags along. Wolverine must make a decision that will impact the entire marvel Universe. Wolverine has to kill Hank Pym so then he never creates Ultron. Does wolverine kill him? Or does he have another plan? Or does Sue stop him from killing him? Read and find out! This issue was really good. It got into action right away. I also liked how sue was going to go with captain America but last minute bails on them and she goes with wolverine because she knows it’s the only way to stop this nonsense. The art work was amazing too. I would rate this issue a 8.5/10 that’s for all for this issue and as always keep on marveling!

Civil War: Invincible Iron Man 14

I just got done reading Fantastic Four 541 and Invincible Iron Man 14 but only going to review Iron man. There wasn’t really much happening in this book except that Iron Man called Cap through a transmission or something like that telling him that he needed to talk to him (not a set up) they meet up and he asks Cap some question then the resistant team comes out and starts fighting. There is a mini part where Iron Man and Spider-Man fight. One more important thing that happens is I believe happy dies. In all i would rate this book a 7/10 that’s all guys and girls and as always keep on marveling.